Tanker Shuttle and Glucometry Drills for 10/14/24
By Vista Fire Department
October 15, 2024

This week's Monday Night Drill was a "Tanker Shuttle" drill for our Firefighters and a "Glucometry" drill for our EMTs.

The "Tanker Shuttle" drill had our Vista Firefighters practicing water supply operations during a fire. A "tanker shuttle" is where Firefighters are forced to move water via tankers due to areas with no fire hydrants or good drafting resources. It is instrumental for Departments in our area to have an adequate water supply to ensure a successful fireground operation. Being that the Vista Fire District is a "rural water supply" area, practicing this type of water supply operations is essential.

The "Glucometry" drill had our Vista EMS personnel going over how to properly use the glucometer during an EMS call. A glucometer is a medical instrument used to measure the concentration of glucose in the blood and is part of the EMS equipment we carry on our ambulances. Vista EMS personnel reviewed our glucometry protocol, practiced taking glucometer readings on a patient during medical treatment and reviewed the differences between hypoglycemia versus hyperglycemia.

For more info on how you can become a member call: (914)-533-2727, email us at Info@VistaFD.org, visit https://www.vistafd.org/content/become/ or apply online here: https://www.vistafd.org/apply