2024 Vista Fire Department Annual Fund Drive Letter
By Vista Fire Department
December 5, 2024

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

On behalf of the members of the Vista Fire Department, I hope this letter finds you and your family in good health and high spirits. I would like to thank you for your generous support of our 2023 Fund Drive and I respectfully ask that you make a contribution for this year.

DID YOU KNOW when seconds count, we're there. Your Vista Fire Department First Responders include firefighters and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) who are an all volunteer team of your neighbors, friends and family. Every time, these were your neighbors — ordinary people doing extraordinary things to keep you safe.

DID YOU KNOW we don't do it for recognition. We do it because this is our community too. Your Vista Fire Department First Responders sacrifice their time, comfort and safety to protect us from fires, accidents and medical emergencies.

DID YOU KNOW in just the past 12 months, your Vista Fire Department First Responders responded to over 350 emergencies involving:

-- Fires and carbon monoxide emergencies
-- Medical emergencies
-- Car accidents
-- Downed wires and road hazard

PLEASE DONATE. Your tax-deductible donation — of any size — helps to ensure your first responders have the resources needed to effectively continue their vital community work. You can donate the following ways:

-- Online at https://vistafd.org/donate or scan the QR code below
-- Send your check or money order to the Vista Fire Department, 377 Smith Ridge Road, South Salem, NY 10590. Please include your email address to help us go green and receive your donation acknowledgement via email.

Thank you for your continuing support of the all volunteer Vista Fire Department.

With gratitude,

Daniel Castelhano
Lieutenant & President
Vista Fire Department, Inc.
377 Smith Ridge Rd
South Salem, NY 10590