Vista Fire Department

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2025 Incidents
Jan 27
Feb 29
Mar 27
Apr 0
May 0
Jun 0
Jul 0
Aug 0
Sep 0
Oct 0
Nov 0
Dec 0
Total 83

2024 Incidents
Jan 27
Feb 26
Mar 26
Apr 36
May 24
Jun 34
Jul 36
Aug 24
Sep 27
Oct 35
Nov 27
Dec 36
Total 358

Past Incidents
2023 362
2022 326
2021 276
2020 309
2019 301
2018 285
2017 280
2016 280
2015 226
2014 252
2013 250

Web Counters
Website Visitors
October 31, 2013
Visitors Today
Mar 26, 2025

Established in 1941 to serve Vista Fire District No.1, Vista Volunteer Fire Department has served the small community of Vista with distinction. We provide Fire and EMS to the residents of Vista. We are located in the Town of Lewisboro in Westchester County, New York. The Vista FD is bordered by South Salem (New York) to the north, Pound Ridge (New York) to the west, Ridgefield (Connecticut) and Wilton (Connecticut) to the east, and New Canaan (Connecticut) to the south. 

July 8th, 1941 - Vista Volunteer Fire Department is established. Our first truck was bought from the Croton Falls Fire Department for $125. The fire truck was stored in a small wood stove heated garage across from our current firehouse. The truck was backed out and turned around for each call.

1943 - Firehouse purchased just south of Blueberry Lane. Portable Pump bought and was towed behind fire truck to fires.

1944 - Second engine purchased from Glenbrook (Connecticut) Fire Department.

1950 - First NEW fire truck purchased-Maxim Pumper. Our first La Salle fire truck and portable pump are retired.

1954 - The Vista Firehouse catches fire. Attempts to save trucks by knocking in bay doors with cars fails. Building, apparatus and records all lost. 

Pumper truck loaned from Hamden (Massachsuetts) Fire Department and a Ladder truck was donated by Sound Beach (Connecticut) Fire Department.

Old firehouse property sold on Blueberry lane, and current firehouse property on Smith Ridge Road purchased. 

1955 - Firehouse completed at a cost of $46,359. 2 New trucks purchased for $36,000 and put into service.

1956 - Red & black parade uniforms purchased. Bingo and dances were started to provide funds to hire a marching band.

1957 - Our first band we march with is Nash Drum Corp. out of Norwalk (Connecticut).

1958 - Dodge Power Wagon purchased for $4,000.

1959 - Second siren installed on East Street.

1960 - NY Bingo license obtained.

1961 - The Vista Fire Department become a sponsor of Cub Scout Pack 101.

1963 - First 2-way radio system purchased to communicating apparatus. 

Fire in the woods on East Street burns for 10 days, as deep as 3-4 feet below the surface. 

1964 - Last Carnival held.

1965 - Plectron home alert system installed in 5 homes. A plectron is still in service in the apparatus bays at the current fire house and goes off for each call.

1967 - Color TV and dishwasher purchased.

1968 - International Pumper purchased.

1969 - Dodge Van becomes first ambulance, Rescue 22. Its equipped with a fold down stretcher and resuscitator. 30 members are trained by Norwalk Hospital doctor.

1970 - Construction of firehouse addition was started. 

1972 - New addition of firehouse completed.

1973 - Tanker 4, an oil tanker with a 3,000 gallon capacity is donated as our first tanker. Rescue 22 gets new equipment.

1976 - Old Tanker 4 retired, and new Tanker 4 is put into service.

1980 - Vista FD becomes one of the first departments to purchase the "Jaws of Life."

1981 - Disastrous fire on Elmwood road with a horse barn. 19 horses killed.

The Vista Firehouse is used in a television commercial for Crisco Oil that first aired on July 24th.

1982 - First female member accepted for membership. 

1986 - 60 Control set up in Valhalla, NY to dispatch fire & EMS. This ends 40 years of New Canaan FD setting off our siren. 

1987- Bingo discontinued after 31 years.

1988 - New Tanker 4 placed into service.

1990 - Rescue 13 aka Quick Attack 2, put into service. 

1991 - 50th Anniversary celebrated with parade. Engine 141 put into service as first due engine.

1996 - New 1996 Mack Pumper, Engine 142, put into service to replace Engine 143.

1997 - debuts on the World Wide Web.

1998 - Ambulance 22 (84B1) refurbished.

2004 - Ambulance 25 (84B2) refurbished.

2005 - Several members of the Vista Fire Department respond to areas devastated by Hurricane Katrina as part of FEMA's Emergency Response team.

Back at home the Vista Fire Department raises over $11,000 for the American Red Cross to help with getting areas hit by Hurricane Katrina back on their feet.

2007 - Rings End Lumber Yard burns: 4th biggest fire in Westchester County for 2007. Well over half a million gallons of water used.

Vista residents pass bond referendum to get new firehouse

2010 - The Vista Fire Department move into their newly refurbished Firehouse

2011 - VFD responds to several hundred calls due to "Hurricane Irene." Vista Firehouse used as a place of refuge for citizens of the Vista Fire District who are left without power.

2 months later the Vista Fire District is without power again due to the "Halloween Nor'Easter." Once again leaving a huge majority of homes without power, the Vista Firehouse opens it's doors to citizens of the Vista Fire District as a place of refuge.

2012 - Vista begins Duel Dispatch with South Salem FD. The 2 fire departments will be be automatically dispatched to one another for possible fires, extrication and alarms at high occupancy risk buildings. 

Vista responds to record number of emergencies due to "Hurricane Sandy." The Vista Firehouse acts as a place of refuge for both citizens and the National Guard for nearly a 2-week period.

2013 - Vista FD gets a new Chief's car.

2014 - Two fires in 1 day (Tommy's Lane & Smith Ridge Road) on January 18th, both fires were quickly extinguished and the houses were salvaged with minimial (Smith Ridge Road) to some significant damage (Tommy's Lane) after an aggressive stop. 

One week later on January 25th, the Vista FD battle a structure fire on Kitchawan Road that was described as a "total loss" in a press release from then-Chief Dingee.

On June 19th, the VFD battles house fire on Smith Ridge Road.

Vista FD debuts electronic sign outside their Firehouse in October 2014.

2015 - On January 20th, the new Ambulance 22 (84B1), a 2015 Ford F450 Super Duty Power Stroke Diesel manufactured by Life Line arrives to the Vista Firehouse. On January 26th, Ambulance 22 (84B1) was officially put into service with Westchester County (60 Control).

On February 28th, the Vista FD holds their 1st Annual Spaghetti Night fundraiser welcoming 176 members of the community and neighboring Fire Departments to the event.

On March 7th, the Vista FD expands their Open House event by holding it twice a year and inviting "Daisy The Arson Dog" to perform several demonstrations for the public.

On May 11th, the Vista FD puts the "Lucas 2 electric CPR device" in-service. The "Lucas 2 electric CPR device" is an automatic chest compression system that performs manual chest compressions at a high quality and volume. It will help the Vista FD from not being tired during CPR compressions by giving adequate chest compressions in accordance with the latest CPR guidelines.

On October 10th, the Vista FD holds their 1st Annual Pancake Breakfast fundraiser as 112 members of the community support the VFD prior to our Open House beginning immediately after the 1st annual event.

On December 30th, the Vista Fire District #1 approves the purchase for a Seagrave model TB-50-CO Marauder II Pumper that will replace Engine 141 as the Vista Fire Department's lead engine. The new pumper is due to the Vista Firehouse in the Fall of 2016.

2016 - On February 24th into February 25th, the Vista Fire Department responds to 13 calls within a 15 hour time period due to a heavy thunder & wind storm that went through the Vista Fire District #1 taking out trees and powerlines throughout the night into the early morning. For a very small community and call volume, this is a large amount of response within a 15 hour window.

On September 17th, the Vista Fire Department celebrated their 75th Anniversary by holding a BBQ for all of the members, their families and neighboring Emergency Services organizations at Onatru Park on Elmwood Road in Vista.

On October 22nd the Vista Fire Department welcomed a new Engine, commissioning it "Engine 141." Engine 141 is a 2016 Seagrave Marauder II Stainless Steel Custom Pumper manufactured by Hudson Valley Fire Equipment of Brewster, New York. In consultation with Seagrave and Hudson Valley Fire Equipment, specifications for the new Engine were made by then-Captain Mike Peck, Firefighter Sean Kelly, Ex-Chief William Dingee, then-Vista Fire District #1 Chairman Steven Woodstead and Ex-Chief Robin "Duffy" Price.

The piece of Fire Apparatus being replaced is Rescue 13, a 1990 GMC Rescue, while the "old" Engine 141 will now be commissioned as Engine 143 and operate as a rescue pumper going forward.

On November 15th, Rescue 13 was officially retired and the "old" Engine 141 was now commissioned as Engine 143.

2017 - On May 11th, the Vista Fire Department put their 1st gear washer and dryer in service. This will allow personnel to clean their gear following an emergency response.

2018 - From March 2nd to March 3rd, the Vista Fire Department responded to 18 calls in response to "Winter Storm Riley." 

On April 3rd, the Vista Fire Department responds to a structure fire on East Street along with the South Salem Fire Department, Pound Ridge Fire Department, New Cannan Fire Department, Wilton Fire Department, Bedford Hills Fire Department, Ridgefield Fire Department, Westchester EMS Paramedics and Westchester County Battalion Chief 13.

On October 6th, the Vista Fire Department responds to a structure fire on Maplewood Drive in the Oakridge Condominiums along with the South Salem Fire Department, Pound Ridge Fire Department, New Canaan Fire Department, Wilton Fire Department, Bedford Hills Fire Department, Ridgefield Fire Department, Golden's Bridge Fire Department, Westchester EMS Paramedics, Westchester County Battalion Chief 16 and the Lewisboro Police Department. 

2019 - On March 13th, the Vista Fire Department responds to a structure fire on Smith Ridge Road along with the South Salem Fire Department, New Canaan Fire Department, Pound Ridge Fire Department, Ridgefield Fire Department, Golden's Bridge Fire Department, Bedford Hills Fire Department, Westchester EMS, Lewisboro VAC, Ridgefield FD EMS, Pound Ridge VAC, Lewisboro Police Department and Westchester County Battalion Chief 13.

On July 10th, the Vista Fire District #1 approves the purchase for a Seagrave Marauder Elliptical Tanker that will replace Tanker 4. The new tanker is due to the Vista Firehouse in the Spring of 2020.

After years of "retoning" for our own calls, the Vista Fire Department installs a "store & forward" system for it's pagers ending the famous "KDD 9-1-2 Vista to all home units..." retones from the Vista Firehouse.

On December 27th, the Vista Fire Department responds to it's 300th call of the year. It's the first time in a non-Hurricane year that the Vista Fire Department reaches 300 calls. The Vista Fire Department ended up responding to 301 calls in 2019.

2020 - On March 1st, the Vista Fire Department responds to a structure fire on Smith Ridge Road along with the South Salem Fire Department, Pound Ridge Fire Department, Golden's Bridge Fire Department, Ridgefield (CT) Fire Department, Bedford Hills Fire Department, New Canaan (CT) Fire Department, Westchester EMS Paramedics and Westchester County Battalion Chief 13.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Vista Volunteer Fire Department shifted their Monday Night Drill program, Sunday Morning Training and Monthly Meetings to web-based platforms in the month of March that year. The first Monday drill webinar was held on March 16th, the first Sunday Training webinar was held on April 5th and the first monthly meeting webinar was held on April 6th. Holding webinars for Drills, Training and our Monthly Meetings was done out of an abdudance of caution due to the spread of COVID-19.

From April 11th to June 27th, the Vista Volunteer Fire Department held "Birthday Parades" for community members in the Vista Fire District due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Vista Volunteer Fire Department would arrive to the home of the birthday boy or girl with our apparatus to spread birthday cheer during the pandemic. 

On April 24th, the Vista Fire Department responds to a structure fire on East Street along with the South Salem Fire Department, Lewisboro Police Department, New York State Troopers and Westchester County Battalion Chief 13.

On June 9th, the Vista Fire Department welcomed the new Tanker 4. The new Tanker 4 is a 2019 Seagrave Marauder II Stainless Steel Custom Tanker manufactured by Hudson Valley Fire Equipment of Brewster, New York. In consultation with Seagrave and Hudson Valley Fire Equipment, specifications for the new Tanker were made by Assistant Chief Mike Peck, Captain Philip Katz, Lieutenant Wilmer Cervantes, Foreman Adam Bartley, Firefighter Sean Kelly and Commissioner Dave Jacobsen.

The piece of Fire Apparatus being replaced is the old Tanker 4, a 1986 Mack Tanker that was refurbished in 2001.

On July 12th, the Vista Fire Department held their first in-person training since March 9th due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to training beginning, members would receive a temperature check and fill out a health screening form to participate. Vista Fire Department personnel also had to wear an appropriate face mask at all times during the training to prevent any potential spread of COVID-19.

On August 1st & 2nd, the Vista Fire Department held their first Saturday Platoons Dinners and Sunday Breakfast since March 7th & 8th due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Similar to the training protocols in place, members would receive a temperature check and fill out a health screening form to attend these social events. Vista Fire Department personnel also had to wear an appropriate face mask at all times to prevent any potential spread of COVID-19.

On August 4th, the Vista Volunteer Fire Department responded to 13 calls during Tropical Storm Isaias with trees and wires down being the majority of our responses. 

Once Tropical Storm Isaias left the area, several Vista Fire Department crews on each of our four Fire Apparatus patrolled the Vista Fire District to provide updates on further wires or trees down so that the Town of Lewisboro could be notified immediately. Once a "master list" of downed trees or wires was put together, the Vista Fire Department submitted the list to the Town of Lewisboro Office of Emergency Management so NYSEG, New York State Department of Transportation and the Town of Lewisboro Highway Department could begin immediate work to get the Vista Fire District residents back up & running.

In the days that followed the Vista Fire Department provided our residents with a charging station for various electronics and non-potable water for their homes at our Firehouse.

On October 10th, we held our very first "Virtual Open House" due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the doors of the Vista Firehouse being closed for that year's event, the Vista Fire Department entered our community's living room and classrooms by bringing our open house to them:

On December 19th, the Vista Fire Department held their 2020 Annual Inspection Dinner. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the entire event was held virtually on Zoom. Additionally, Active Members and District Officers who elected to have a dinner were able to pick it up "curbside" from the Vista Firehouse prior to the virtual event on Zoom. All members who won an award at the 2020 Annual Inspection Dinner were asked to return back to the Vista Firehouse at the conclusion of the event to receive their award and take their photos in honor of their achievements.

On December 24th, Vista Fire Department members started to receive the COVID-19 vaccine through the New York State Department of Health.

Vista Fire Department members traveled to the Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, New York to receive the first dose and will return in 3-4 weeks to receive the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Being a Fire & EMS agency, the Vista Fire Department met the criteria to receive the COVID-19 vaccine during New York State's "Phase 1A" distribution of the vaccine.

2021 - On July 1st, the Vista Firehouse reopens to the public for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020.

On September 2nd and 3rd, the Vista Fire Department, along with the South Salem Fire Department, sent several members to Mamaroneck, New York to help aid with response efforts from the remnants of Hurricane Ida that struck our region. Response efforts included aiding Mamaroneck with water conditions, commercial alarms, residential alarms, carbon monoxide alarms and inside gas investigations. 

2022 - On July 13th, the Vista Fire District #1 approves the beginning to start research and planning for a new Ambulance 84B2.

2023 - On December 11th, the Vista Fire Department officially placed into service a fleet of new fireground portable radios. The purchase of these radios was made possible by a New York State and Municipal Facilities grant, secured by Senator Peter Harckham of the 40th District.

The Vista Fire Department responds to its 350th call of the year on December 17th. It's the first time in a non-Hurricane year that the Vista Fire Department reaches over 350 calls. The Vista Fire Department ended up responding to 362 calls in 2023.

2024 - On January 30th, the Vista Fire District #1 residents voted to approve a bond resolution purchase for a new Engine by a vote of 90 to 2. The new Engine is set to have rescue pumper capabilities that would replace both the current Engine 142 and current Engine 143.

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Firehouse Solutions
Vista Fire Department
377 Smith Ridge Road
South Salem, New York 10590
Emergency Dial 911
Non-Emergency: 914-533-2727
Station Fax: 914-533-2853
Copyright © 2025 Firehouse Solutions (A Service of Technology Reflections, Inc.)